Saturday, May 2, 2009

Kondo Tatsumi: Kyoto, Japan

Today I interviewed Kondo Tatsumi. He was an otaku, an outsider, which in Japanese society is a 'ribbon of shame' whereas in America it is like a 'badge of honor'. He was different from the crowd as in the fact that he didn't really care about the world, he cared about cyberspace. He devoted his life to it and researching and finding out the newest information and news about the zombie infestations around the world with his own group there to comment on his findings. As his group became infected he eventually gave up and had to get away, his parents had become infected or had fled without him for all he knew. He put his knowledge that he had gained from research underway and escape the apartment building while gather supplies and such. I honestly don't know what to think of Kondo though, he was odd to say the least. The fact that he couldn't care about anything except his cyberworld seemed stupid to me, but it was basically all he had known in his life. To this day he has been trying to figure out what happened to his parents.

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