Friday, April 17, 2009

Kwang Jingshu: Greater Chongqing, The United Federation of China

Earlier today I had an interview with Kwang Jingshu, a Chinese medical doctor. He seemed tired from all the past events that have happened to him, but he wasn't reluctant to share his experiences with me thankfully. He explained the symptoms of the infected before they broke out completely: high fever, violent shivering, and bite marks from where they were attacked. He explained in detail his encounter with the source of the seven patients in critical condition, a young twelve year old boy. He discovered, while trying to take a blood sample from the boy, that he no longer had any blood in him, or if he did all that was left of it was brown and destroyed liquid. While he was examining him, the boy tore off his own arm and broke free from the chains binding him and the doctor fled from the room locking the door behind him. He explained the event vividly, it made me feel sick, the boy hadn't even flinched after tearing his own arm off. While he was evacuating the patients the Spetsnaz attacked the helicopters, but no specific reason was given for the attack other than there had been previous border violence between China and the Soviet Union which was ended back in 1969. I want to know how the Spetsnaz had gotten there or at least why they were there at that time, it just seemed so unusual... I didn't get a chance to ask him about this considereing he had already provided me with ample information about the incident and the attack wasn't the main point of the interview, but I wonder if the Spetsnaz had known already that there was something unusual happening that night.

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