Saturday, April 18, 2009

Nury Televaldi: Lasha, The People's Republic of Tibet

Today I interviewed Nury Televaldi. He was somewhat reluctant to talk with me at first, only giving the smallest amount of information to answer my questions, he started answering more in depth later into the interview though. He was a shetou, a smuggler of refugees. Most of the questions I had to ask to keep him talking, but they all directed themselves towards his trade mostly before the outbreaks started getting too intense. He warmed up to me, I think, and started answering more in depth, but as he did it seemed like there was a lack of moral standing in his trade. He was willingly smuggling refugees that had been infected, only in their early stages, but this seemed irresponsible to me. Helping to spreading an infection that turned humans into something inhuman only to turn a profit. It's what smugglers do though I suppose. He hesitated when I asked him about the myth the shetou propagated about a miracle cure in other countries, he said he didn't do it himself, but I doubt this honestly. He had no reason to think it over if he hadn't done it. That, or maybe it was possible that there actually was a cure some place that the shetou had known about, but no one stepped forward to address their findings. Either way, this interview was slightly disappointing.

1 comment:

Ryan Stelzer said...

I agree with the lack of morals he showed. He is selfish because he only smuggles poeple for a profit. He doesn't try to help them any more than getting them somewhere. This also would support the point about a miracle cure. If he told people that he could get them to a place with a cure he might get more money from them.